Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Oh Boy, It's a Girl!!!!

Well it looks like Brady is going to be out numbered. That is how our Doctor told us we were having another girl. Brady is 100% happy having Daddy's little girls. Which Addisyn totally is!
This will mean less work for us to get ready for the new addition which is nice. So as long as we can keep this baby nice and healthy, we could not ask for anything more!
Here are some pics of Baby #2:

In other news, Addisyn is cutting her molars and is growing more and more. She is trying to talk more too. She is doing great.

Here is a little video of the new baby. You can see her kick me and you can even see her heart. So amazing.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My Big Girl

Well Addisyn is just growing so fast. It is truly amazing. She can you use her fork as you can see in that picture. I should say she can use it when she wants. She loves to use it but sometimes gets frustrated when she can not get it right away but I can not blame her. She is also just so smart. We were watching football on Sunday night and I was watching the game yelling "Go, go, go" well the next morning when we were watching Sportscenter ( can you tell my hubby is obsessed with sports) she saw a replay of a game and started yelling "Go, go, go". That just seems so neat to me that she could put that together. She is also able to point out her head and nose.

So I decided to get her a potty and try to get her familiar with it. Not that I expect her to use it anytime soon but with me realizing how much she can already understand I want her to know all about the potty. I am hoping not to have 2 in diapers for very long.

I am currently 17 week pregnant. We get to find out the gender of this baby on the 20th. I don't remember if I already reported that. We are do great. We joined this great gym and my friend and I meet up there about 3-4 times a week and I am determined to stay extra healthy this time around. I actually took a fitness age test today and it said my body age was 19. I was very excited about that. Brady was 23. He did great too. Here is a pic of me at 4 months pregnant.