Monday, August 25, 2008

Addisyn turns 2

Addisyn is 2 and here are some pics from today. Poor girl busted up her lip pretty bad yesterday. We went walking this morning and she got to play with her BFF, Liam. He is pictured above with dog ears. Addisyn has no girlfriends. She only had one girl at her party as matter of fact. I thought I put 5 things about Addisyn. Some you know and some you don't.
1. She is very strong willed. You might think all 2 year olds are but this girl has an opinion and wants everyone to think the same way as her.
2. She is a big chatter box. She talks all the time. Sometimes we think that she likes to just here her voice. She will talk forever in bed about anything and everything.
3. She is also in love with shoes. She likes you to wear the shoes she picks out for you. Even Cambry has to wear the shoes Addisyn picks. I love the ones she always chooses for Brady.(They are mine)
4. She loves fruits and her juice. All drinks are called juice. She loves to drink. That sounds bad but you know what I mean. anything that is not water she loves. Her favorite fruits are watermelon(that she says so cute) grapes, apples, strawberries, plums, peaches, pretty much any kind.
5. She loves Cambry. She gives her hugs and kisses all the time. Never gets jealous of her. Wants her to particate in all the activities we do. She will bring her toys all the time. Cambry also loves her as well. I slipped in a few pics of Cambry. She is too cute to not sneak some in.
Overall I am very lucky to have Addisyn and have loved all 730 days with her


It was a successful birthday party. We had a weather scare with it supposed to rain but I am so happy to say it held up and we were able to do it outside. There was no sun but it was warm enough for the kids to get in the water and have a great time It think everyone did have a great time and I know Addisyn did. Addisyn keeps talking about her dog party. It was a lot of work but worth to see her have so much fun. Thanks to our parents for helping out. We really appreciate it.

Doesn't everyone need to play in the rain

We were checking out the pool the other day to see if it had an holes in it and it started to rain on us. No lightening in the area so we decided to let her play. She had a great time.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Loving Life

And who would not be with these 2 wonderful girls.
I took Cambry to the DR. today and she was the exact same measurements that Addisyn was at 4 months for her weight and height. Addisyn has always had big head and Cambry has a small head. She was 14 lbs. 10 ounces and 24 3/4 inches long(60% for both). Anyway, she looks great and she told me not to worry about Cambry not sleeping super long at night. I don't mind feeding her I just did not want to be forming bad habits but she said not to worry.
Cambry has started rice cereal. She seems very interested in food when we eat and Addisyn is very interested in her eating as well so we started feeding it to her last week. She really likes it. I feed it to her at dinner when we eat and it is so cute that our family eats together every night. All of us!!!!
I am proud to say Addisyn used the potty! She has done both businesses on there. She seemed really confused about it though. We are no where near fully potty trained but it is a start.
Addisyn's big dog party is this weekend. We let her pick between dogs, horses, and Elmo and she wanted dogs. I can't wait to post pics.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

She turned 4 months

Already 4 months old and kind of sad. I went through her closet and cleaned out the newborn and some of the 0-3 month clothes. So sad. This is our last so I know I will never get to up them on anyone else. But at least I have 2 beautiful and healthy girls. As I was taking her 4 month photos on the blanket, she rolled both ways. She was just rolling from her back to front but she did both and was doing them a lot. I was so proud of her. She is also a lot better at her tummy time. I was worried for awhile cause she could not lift her head up at all. We go to the dr. on Monday. I will probably start ceral then. She is still eating every 2-3 hours at night. Sometimes she will got 4-5 but that is rare. Oh well, at least I do not have to get up and go to work. OH and her eyes are still green.
I also included some picture of us letting balloons go for our internet friend Bella. It would have been her birthday on Sunday but she died of SIDS when she was only 2 months old. We let balloons go in her honor and to find a cure for SIDS.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Jumping for Joy

We brought this toy out and both girls are having fun. Cambry really likes it, a lot more then Addisyn ever did.