Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from our family to yours. Remember Jesus is the reason for the season. It can be forgotten in all the Santa and presents but none of it would be possible without Jesus Christ, our Savior. Happy Birthday Jesus!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Lemon Head

Watch Addisyn try a lemon head. It is too funny. And yes she is dressed up as normal.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sea World Winter Wonderland

My AWANA cubbie

Love to feed the ducks

More food please

Addi looks so silly

Love all the decorations

My girls, boy is it hard to get a good picture.
I love this time of year! Christmas parties, breakfast with Santa, cookie exchanges, and of course SEA WORLD!!! We always have such a good time there. We went there this past weekend on the coldest day of the year. It was like 30! That is cold for us. It was sunny so it was not too bad but it was actually feeling like winter. So we played, saw the Elmo show and Sis was so mad when Elmo left the stage. Thank goodness he was not gone for long. We also saw the wonderful 3D Polar Express movie they have there. It amazes me that they can put that long movie into 18 minutes and you are able to basically get the same thing out it. Great time was had by all.

I included a photo of Addisyn in her Awanas vest(pretty dorky). I am so proud this girl she gets her versus every week. This is one of the versus she had to remember, " Oh give thanks to the Lord that gave great light, sun by day, moon and stars by night". That is pretty hard for a 3 year old I think. This weeks is ,"For unto you is born this day.... a Savior, which is Christ the Lord."
I am so proud of my little cubbie!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Looking like Christmas around here

We have our trees up. The girls have their own this year and even decorated it themselves. Brady did a great job on the house lights but boy does it make me nervous in the process. I am done with my Christmas shopping. I finished early.