Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Kinder or Bust

Addisyn and a fellow cheerleader

Mrs. Turner and Addisyn

Addsiyn, Josh and Avery friends for a long time.

My little rock star is ready to go!

Her good girlfriends!

Her favorite, Mommys chocolate chip pancakes!!!

Ready to meet the teacher!

Addisyn did so well and is doing great adjusting to school. If she was sad, it would be a lot harder. She is just a bit tired because we have to get up at 6:30 and we were not getting up til 8 this summer and well yes, we are all adjusting to that.

Addisyn's teachers name is Mrs. Turner and she seems to be great for her. I was praying for a loving teacher and so far Addisyn seems to really be enjoying her.

So tomorrow is her actual birthday and I am going to eat lunch with her!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Spirit Week at Cheerleading

Mis match day

Her hair looks light here

IT is hard work to cheer at 3!

A few last minute projects before school starts

Addisyn's pineta has become a family member around here

Me with my backwards shirt and photographer Addisyn at work

Backwards day

Headed to a birhtday party in our pjs

We are done with our 4 day a week practice for cheerleading. I was figuring the girls were getting a bit tired so I decided to see if the other coaches would agree to have a theme week and every day we would do something silly and just to give it some spice for the girls. My girls really liked it and won on mis match day!!! It was really hot out there. Like 100 and they were out there for 2 hours at time. They did so well and are really enjoying cheerleading. I could not be happier.

Addisyn's birthday is in 2 weeks and she is getting a trampoline for her birthday and I already figured out that they will getting some mats for Christmas so they can work on there backhandsprings here with me!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Videos from this summer

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Finally!!! I am back

Silly hair day!!

Sit ups at practice

Holding legs

We have about 50 girls and 5 coaches

Look at her hair! She had a water bottle in there.

The girls love to play in the dirt and it drives me nuts!

Our Silly pink hair!!

Well I am finally back. My computer caught a nasty virus and I had the blue screen of death back in March and now I lost everything on my computer but I have it back. Thank goodness Brady had all the pics on his computer but he does not organize like I do or how I like them.

So we have had a great summer. We did swim lessons, dance class, beach trip. We have had lots of days swimming. Thank goodness cause the high for today is 105!!! My girls are little fish and they love to swim. They both swim freely all over the pool!!!

We also got Fiesta Texas passes this year and have been enjoying that.

So now we are on to CHEERLEADING! I was big into cheerleading growing up and then I coached gymnastics and cheerleading for 6 years!!! So I was super excited to get my girls into it. They are both starting this fall and I am Coach Mommy. It is very intense we are in training right now outside from 6:30-8:30 4 days a week for two weeks but not that it is too bad but with the temps being 105 it is killer. Coach Beth is wearing her heart rate monitor out there and burning 500-700 calories out there too. Which is nice cause at the gym I have been doing yoga the last few weeks which burns a lot less calories but make up for it at night.

They are really enjoying it. I included some pics from this week. Yesterday was silly hair day and today is backwards day(it was my idea to include some fun into the week).

I will try to update more often.

Hope everyone is having a blessed and wonderful week.