Cambry with crazy hair
Date at the kiddie park
Sissy found a good one
Brady's team one the Champion bowl and we were there to cheer him on!
Kinder round up for Addisyn
All ready to go check out "big girl school"
Addisyn tried straight hair
Ash Weds at her school
Picking red rip strawberries
Grandad turned 80!
Amazing Cake Pops at my friend Amy's party
We found a stray cat and the girls loved it too
Movie night with Daddy when he got home from a long work week
On a date with her future husband
So I have been so busy doing what not too sure but have not been on my computer too much. I have been on my Ipad a lot and do not have pictures on there so I can not upload or blog. So here is a recap of some of March and then I will post on the big Disney World trip and Cambry turned 3 with 3 parties!!!
14 years ago