Spring in San Antonio means pool and sprinkler time. Well it was that way for a couple of days. We even went to Sea World and were able to hit up the water park. It opens in April which is pretty early I think. The girls loved it. Here are so cute pictures of them enjoying the kiddie pool, play set(that my wonderful friend Noel game us, she is so generous to us) sprinkler.
Also a while back Addisyn and Brady made a birdhouse. I made fun of him cause it was just supposed to be a feeder but he built a house and made this very small opening for a bird to go in and I thought there was no way a bird would go in there but sure enough it did. Brady and I saw him dropping grass in there a few weeks ago but did not see him in there anymore(I call it a him but not sure what it is). Well yesterday Brady was dropping a stick in the hole and zroom it flew out and flew right into our sliding glass door. I felt so bad for him. Anyway, I looked in there and there are 5 little eggs. We are going to have baby birds. Don't ask me why but I am so excited for them.
Last Addisyn is having fears of dinosaurs lately. We have this DVD "Goodnight Moon" and there is this short movie on a boy having a monster in his closet and Addisyn thinks it is a dinosaur but anyway, she is scared and talks about it all the time. But she loves to watch the movie over and over. She is silly. I just can't believe how big she is.
14 years ago
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