Growth shot-11 months on blanket next to animal
Cambry in our mini photo shoot
Cambry with the girls in the family
Cambry's 1st time on the train at the zoo. She was crazy and did not want to sit.
Showing her walking skills
Cambry playing the drums
Cambry looking pretty cool at the zoo
My sweet pea is now 11 months old. Also a year and not a baby but a toddler. Knowing she is our last it is bittersweet. I am not the biggest fan of baby age but talk to me when she turns 2 and I am going to be so sad. Anyway, she is such a ham and on track. She loves to eat and already weights 20 pounds. Bigger then Addisyn for sure. I am wondering if her walking 100% will slim her down.
We have the roller coaster toy and she can climb up there and even push herself off. I need to get her doing it cause it is so funny. She rocks back and forth til she goes. That is her favor toy. She is also a "daddy's girl" . They both seem to flock to him more then me. I think it because he is 100% fun all the time.
Cambry loves to put on Mardi Gras beads. She has been able to put them on and take them off for awhile now but I always forget to type that.
She also can push up in the middle of the room now.
She loves this little boy I watch. They are 6 months apart but she wants to do everything he does.
Still naps twice a day and gets up at 4 to eat.
Loves to go for wagon rides.
Loves to play with her baby doll.
Can drink from a straw sippy cup.
Loves fruits and vegetables.
Does not seem like much has changed since last month. I took them to the zoo for the 1st time by myself and it was pretty successful. Cambry really wanted to show off her walking skills the whole time and Addi forgot to tell me she had to go to the bathroom and had an accident cause we could not make it in time. That was fun.
I am going to try really hard to love every day of my babys last days before she is a toddler.
Also no hemangioma as you can probably tell. Thank God and thanks to all who prayed for her.
14 years ago
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